Whether you are a businessperson traveling and looking for a way to stay in shape while on the road or are looking for the latest personal Fitness Plan
that will give you Fast Fitness Results, then My Home Personal Trainer's Specialized Fitness Plans are the perfect Fitness Plan for YOU!!
Choose a 6 Week Fitness Band On The Road Training Program that is designed for that busy executive that travels often in his or her job position and may not have access to a hotel gym or extensive fitness equipment. In addition, the On the Go Circuit Training Routines will help you maintain your current fitness levels while on the road with limited time and equipment. Or... Choose our Fast Paced H.I.I.T. 6 Week Personal Fitness Plan that gets your body jump started into overdrive and catapults you into Fast Fitness Results! So what is the H.I.I.T. 6 Week Plan all about? High Intensity Interval Training is the way to go when you are looking for a fast, efficient and results driven Personal Fitness Plan. Your H.I.I.T. Program is designed to incorporate both High Intensity Cardio Training and also High Intensity Resistance Training on alternating days for 6 Weeks. You will workout faster, get results quicker and increase your energy level fast. So get ready to get in shape with your H.I.I.T. 6 Week Plan that will shed those unwanted fat pounds while building and sculpting your muscles today.